Rival Waves – 6/16/2022 – High Noon

Me and the guys hit the stage at 10 tonight at High Noon, a super cool funky little place off of East 1st Street next to Longplay, the old Stay Gold joint. It was a tight fit on the stage, I couldn’t move all night, stuck right behind Eric and just in front of Paul’s right crash cymbal. When I say a tight fit, I mean when the other guys took a step back, they bumped into me or the bass, lol.

It was still a ton of fun and we sounded great although the club was small. The guy working the PA was great, and dialed in a good sound for us all things considered. The bass really felt strong, I’ve noticed on smaller wooden stages, the bass carries well on its own, with the added benefit of feeling the bass under my feet. I really love it when that happens. I’ve looked into getting a bass speaker that you actually stand on so you can feel the bass frequencies.

Anyway, we blasted through a dozen songs in less than hour and even had the audience participation on the last tune. Joel jumped off the stage into the crowd for some heavy head bangin’, awesome, and then sang the last note, ripped the mic off the cable, and took off out the front door and disappeared into the night. Great showman stuff!!

  • Meaningless Chaos
  • Transducer
  • 100M
  • Country of Ghost Towns
  • Smile Empty Soul
  • Hwy 100
  • Monument
  • Amputee
  • Two Horizons
  • Isla 3
  • Backward Blue Scenes
  • NAMI