Played my first gig at One-2-One bar in South Austin tonight with Marcus Morales. Hector Ward and the Big Time played before us. I can’t get over how fantastic their sound system was…I could feel the bass under my feet as I was playing. We played until after 1am to a light crowd so we had some freedom to just jam, which we did 😉

There were 4 of us in the band, Marcus on guitar, Frank on Drums, Matt on the Keys and myself on the bass. I have to say we make a pretty powerful sound together.
Also, I broke in my new BerlyBass and was super pleased to discover how rich the tone is at a loud volume. Plus, it just felt great to play. I played the first 4 or 5 songs with my Fender P Bass and then switched over.
- Travelin’ Shoes
- All Your Love
- Cissy Strut
- Bloozetooth
- Teatherbound
- Orthopod
- Waves
- Change
- Watersong
Had an interesting visit with a guy who stayed to the end of our set. He had some really nice things to say about our playing and our sound. Told me our playing had made his evening. Anyway, his name was, Jeff, and he claimed to have been Mike Bloomfield’s drummer in the early 60’s before he was drafted to serve in Vietnam. You never know who you’re going to run into in this town….