So, of all of these cool stories, this encounter shook me up the most. I mean, come on, it’s Robert “friggin'” Plant. The guy is a “rock star” among rock stars. I still can’t believe it in some ways but here’s what happened…
My son had wanted this special Lego set, a haunted house, for Christmas. There is a Lego store here in Austin but it is down at Barton Creek Mall which is about 20 miles from my house so I was not thrilled at the idea of going down there. It was 2012 and on a Friday, I remember because it was the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and they were having some special I think or maybe they only had a few sets in stock. At any rate, I had to book it down there and get this set for my son.
The mall was packed of course, I was really upset, didn’t want to be fighting the crowds etc. but I plowed ahead and made it to the Lego store, purchased the set then headed across the hall to The Gap and looked around a bit. I figured I may as well do a little shopping for Christmas since I’m here. After The Gap, I go into another clothing store that is really funky. It’s dark in there, black lights, all the clothes are weird, and after a few minutes I decided to get out of there. I then just casually walk into moving foot traffic outside the store and I’m standing shoulder to shoulder with this guy. I can see out of the corner of my eye, he has long wavy blond hair, a bit older looking and about as tall as me…I’m about 6′ 2″. It then hits me that this guy sure looks a lot like Robert Plant. So, I’m thinking to myself, “can this really be Robert Plant..I’m walking with?…plus, I’ve only seen him in 2 dimension form, in pictures, on posters, TV, magazines, online, etc. seeing him in 3 dimensions was strange, his profile was wild, so, I literally had to step a foot in front of him, while we’re walking, and turn and face him eye to eye, and it’s him!! No doubt!! Wavy blond hair and all… I’ve seen this guy on album covers, concert posters, DVD concerts, interviews, you name it, my entire life. I know what he looks like, but I can’t convince myself it’s him. What is Robert Plant doing in a mall in south Austin?
I didn’t know that he lived here and was married or with Patty Griffin, they lived off of South Congress and he was spotted all over town, getting coffee, shopping at Fiesta etc. I didn’t know this at the time, so we’re walking next to each other, my heart is about to beat out of my chest. So, I try to make eye contact with him, but he just looks past me…I guess a defense strategy. That sends the signal to me to stay away, but I keep up pace with him. He’s carrying this small bag from The Gap, he was probably in there when I was, I just didn’t see him. Anyway, I can’t seem to break off. As I get near my exit, to go to the car, I just stop and he keeps walking. I had to let him go on his way. I see though he’s wearing these cool cowboy boots and is talking on a funny looking European cell phone. He stops to chat on the phone, leaning on a balcony near a large department store. I wanted to go over and tell him I was a bass player in town and ask if he needed a new bass player for any of his projects, but thought he might tell me to “F” off. I didn’t want to chance it. I’ve had lukewarm receptions before from musicians that I admire, that kind of ruined it for me. Expectations are high for these musicians, and are impossible to live up to so I’m sure they’re just tired of it. From my perspective though, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the only chance I would ever get to talk to Robert Plant, so I was weighing all of that in a few minutes. Anyway, I should have at least taken my cell phone out and snap a few photos, but I was like a deer in head lights just blinded standing there unable to move. The funny thing was, there were a few other guys, my age, starting to realize who he was as well…a small group of 2 or 3 men were looking and staring like I had been for the last 5 minutes. Robert just causally talked on the phone and then headed into the store…..I think he knew he was starting to draw unwanted attention, although, what did he expect going to a mall the day after Thanksgiving, in full, rock star, clothing, hair, etc. He didn’t even wear a baseball cap or anything.
That was it! It took me a few minutes to get it together and head to the car, where I called my wife to tell her the news…she just wanted to make sure I had the Lego set, lol. I went online, using my phone, and confirmed he lived in Austin at the time and had been seen all over town so I knew I wasn’t crazy at that point. He still has a house here..
Here’s a picture of him on the front porch, where he and Patty lived for a while. This photo was taken on Halloween 2011, about a year before I saw him at the mall..he looked just like that though. I think they tore down that house and built a much larger house, it takes up most of the block. Not sure if he ever comes back to town but it wouldn’t surprise if he does.

Come to find out that their DVD concert that was filmed in 2007, Celebration Day, had been released that weekend, so maybe he was checking out a music store to see it up for sale, lol. I was going to buy it that weekend but i had mentioned to my wife that it was something I wanted for Christmas so I was waiting to get it as a gift.
A few weeks later, Led Zeppelin, were recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors. They did a few days of promotional interviews and if you watch the David Letterman show, you’ll see Robert Plant come out and when he sits down, you’ll see he’s wearing the same boots he had on that day at the mall. That’s when I knew for sure that it was him….Crazy!