Another show with Christina and Joel, on drums, at the Volstead on 6th street. This one was a bit rough, we had some serious sound issues throughout the set, their sound guy was new, his first day on the job in fact and he couldn’t figure out how to get everything working.

- Forever
- Cold
- 17
- Closer
- Loving Him
- California
- Desert
- Strawberry Ice Cream
- Mile Marker
- All of It
To add fuel to the fire, it had just rained outside and the place was very hot and humid, which under the lights on the stage, is a bit uncomfortable to say the least. The stage there is very small as well and with a full drum set up there, I had to stand in a back corner so I couldn’t hear or see Christina which made the evening a bit stressful to say the least….we managed to pull it off though.
All of this is good experience for any musician as sometimes, when you show up to the gig, things may not run as smoothly as your used to but you press on and get the job done!